Mobile Apps, Marketing Tips, Business Tips, App Features Applified Marketing Group Mobile Apps, Marketing Tips, Business Tips, App Features Applified Marketing Group

Simon Said, Now Apple Says… Apple Developer Accounts For EVERYONE. (PERIOD)

It was only a matter of time before Apple, “the Mafia of the App World,” would change their policies once again. Up until this past year all Apps created (what Apple considers “Mass Produced” or “Templated Apps”) for Businesses by an Organization, like us at AMG, could be built under the actual Apple Developer Account of the App Developer. That was a mouthful. Since the dawn of apps this was the norm and really helped streamline the process for us and our clients, keeping them less involved. But Apple “wants clients more involved.”

Simon Said, Now Apple Says…


It was only a matter of time before Apple, “the Mafia of the App World,” would change their policies once again. Up until this past year all Apps created (what Apple considers “Mass Produced” or “Templated Apps”) for Businesses by an Organization, like us at AMG, could be built under the actual Apple Developer Account of the App Developer. That was a mouthful. Since the dawn of apps this was the norm and really helped streamline the process for us and our clients, keeping them less involved. But Apple “wants clients more involved.”

There was a brief moment in the beginning of 2018 where Apple said they were not going to allow “Templated” Apps in there App Stores any longer which in essence was going to shut down hundreds of App companies doing this very same thing for thousands of businesses. Bigger companies than us like MIND & BODY (Booking), CHOW NOW (Food Ordering), MOBILE ROADIE (Music Apps) have designed their app business side of things around these “Templated Apps”. As a result of Apple’s Policy changes these companies have had to suddenly change their business model and no longer offer these types of apps to there customers. For example MIND & BODY now has one app with all of their clients in it as Apple advised them to, so it is more like a Rolodex which doesn’t really help give any one business a competitive advantage over the other, who wants that? If the client wants to try someone else they can see in the very same app the competition down the road great for the consumer bad for the business. While other App builders had to shut down there businesses overnight, we found a solution that Apple approved of which allowed us to carry on providing great apps to businesses with one minor stipulation…

“All pre-existing Apps would need to be moved to their own Developer Accounts if we wanted to update their code AND ALL NEW APPS would need to each have their own Apple Developer Accounts.”

I should also add they wanted apps to look more dynamic, which we already do graphically so that was never an issue with us.

Of course, while I don’t agree with the title “Templated” as we pride ourselves in strong brand imagery and unique features to enhance the business, apps like we make are no different than websites built on platforms such as Wordpress, Squarespace and Wix. The R&D has already been done to build these features or plugins which drives down the cost and we simply put them together like legos and create an incredible USEFUL and ENGAGING tool that helps the businesses grow. The “Web World” was never complaining about these “Templated Websites” but somehow the app world has different standards according to Apple? We are not buying that and most are not either. By the way Google (Android) has never once complained about this practice, they seem more focused on important things like copyright protection! For example, I once had Google reject an app, Hoopology, because there was a gallery photo of Kobe Bryant with the Coach whose app it was and of course he had permission to use it, it was from his phone. As for Apple it only goes to show you how much control they have over the App World and we can't do anything about it but play the game, as Simon once “said,” now Apple “says.” Sounds like a monopoly to me… but hey, we love our apps and so the show must go on! So go on we will together!

We lose Our Branding

I would like to point out the additional bummer for a company like ours is that our name will no longer be listed as the App Developer in the App Store. Instead it will of course show the App Owners “Entity Name,” great for that business, bad for ours. Often that is how we get discovered as the listed App Developer or it even can be perceived as bragging rights for making these awesome apps. As a brand we take tremendous pride in our work and our relationships for that matter with each and every client we work with and having our name listed means a lot. Right now if you typed in Applified Marketing Group in the App Store you would see EVERY APP we have made to date until they all get transferred. The more apps that appear the more validation of your work and more successful or popular you may be viewed. We have done quite well in this department. Time after time I have heard people say they discovered us in the App Store or they were impressed by our Apps. That all goes away. So, for a Developer, that may be the biggest oversight in all of this by Apple is the lack of branding and the “real accountability” for Developers making good or terrible Apps for that matter.

Additional Reading: This was a great article I read that put the new Apple Guidelines into perspective



The cost of an Apple Developer Account is $99 per year plus tax unless you are a non-profit or an educational entity of the sort then this fee can get waived. During the application process you can submit for the fee to be waived if you qualify. While Apple claims the new changes are to protect against Copyright and improve security by way of dealing directly with the client, one could also say it’s a cash grab and some do. For example say we had 75 apps under our Apple Developer account it would still only cost $99 for the membership. Force those 75 apps to each have their own $99 membership and Apple stands to make a lot of money with the new policy.

On the flip-side, I will say however, that they are right about these points to some extent. People have been abusing the App Store by creating apps that are not what they say they are, while others have even created apps that claim to be entities that they are not. All the more reason to get your app first so nobody else can impersonate your business. So, for the safety and best interest of us all Apple might be right by making this change. “One bad ‘Apple’ spoils the bunch” or in this case spoils the “Apple Store.”

The bottom line.. if you have an app, we need to create your own APPLE DEVELOPER ACCOUNT for it, if you don’t have one already. As of April 2018 all Apps built by us have been created under their own Apple Developer Accounts of which those clients are aware.

Note: Android Apps can still stay under a Developers Account like ours. So those are fine for now.



  1. Create Apple ID or use Existing One

  2. Get D-U-N-S Number (Dun & Brad Street Number)

  3. Enroll in the Apple Developer Account (Pay the Membership Cost $99)

  4. Transfer Your App from the AMG Account to Your New Apple Developer Account

  5. Update Your App with Our Latest App Source Code

Note: Your App will remain active during the entire process. This is all behind the scenes stuff.

We put together this slide deck to walk you though the process of enrolling in the Apple Developer Account. You can click on the hyper links to take you through the process.

Let us know if you have any questions or need help.

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Business Tips, Marketing Tips Applified Marketing Group Business Tips, Marketing Tips Applified Marketing Group

Top 9 Key Skills Every Successful Entrepreneur Needs

If you really want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you need to invest in yourself and build valuable skills over time. So which skills should every entrepreneur have?


The big question that plagues almost every entrepreneur or aspiring-to-be is "How do I know if I have what it takes?"  As you already know in order to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to invest in yourself and over time build valuable skills. Here are 9 skills that every entrepreneur should have.

1. Be ProductiveWork Smarter Not Harder

To be a successful entrepreneur you have to be productive and maximize your time.  A full-time entrepreneur might spend an average of 52 hours working each week (12 hours more than the average full-time employee). You need to maximize each of these hours in order to effectively grow your business. Otherwise before you know it your working 80 hours a week for the same results and going nowhere fast. Being productive is different for everyone so figure out what is best for you and your lifestyle. Do you prefer silence? Perhaps you work best first thing in the morning? Are you a perfectionist, wasting a lot of time? Being productive also means taking the necessary breaks, your mind and body can only handle so much at a time before it becomes counterproductive. A Healthy & Rested Mind Works Better Every Time!

2. Money Management - Maximize Your Dollar

It goes without saying money management is an important part of running an effective business. Do you make more than you spend? Do you know where your money goes each month? If the answer is no to both, you will struggle to manage your business’ money too. But not all is lost, there are many tools out there to help you manage money.  You can practice by getting your personal finances in order. Quickbooks (the online accounting software), that many of you may already be familiar with, is a personal favorite.

3. Self-Branding - Stand Out In The Crowd

Temporary positions and short-term contracts are more and more common these days. Entrepreneurs and freelancers jump between ideas, startups, and employers more frequently than ever before. As argued by The Balance, “That means tenure hardly matters, and the new currency is your personal brand—the overarching message about yourself, as gleaned from your online presence, professional reputation, circle of influence and the trust you command from peers, followers, customers, employers and general public.” Just like you build your business brand, you need to build your personal brand. There is an ocean of competition out there in the internet connected world we live in today and as an entrepreneur you want to enter the market with a strong personal brand that stands out and sets you apart.

4. Recognize Strengths & Weaknesses - As Strong As Your Weakest Link

Although we like to be the "Jack-of-All" we don't want to be the "Master-of-None". By understanding your strengths and weaknesses you can get a clear understanding of what or whom you need to surround yourself. Start by completing a personal SWOT analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.

5. Hire Effective People - Drink the Cool-Aid

An effective part of building a team is to identify and understand your weaknesses. Your only as good as your employees. While we wish we could simply clone ourselves we have to be willing to let go and rely on other qualified people. With great team players comes great success, with new strengths and skill sets you can develop a culture that thrives while adding tremendous value to your business. Creating a culture where people want to be and who share the same passion.

6. Make a Sale - Objections Can Lead to Answers

Sales are an important part of being an entrepreneur and although it may be challenging you have to be able to close the deal yourself. Many startups fail because they often assume they can just hire sales people, and it doesn't matter if they aren't good at sales.  Before you sell your first product or service, you are already faced with the challenge of selling your business concept to potential investors and future business employees. In order to attract the most talented employees you will need to be good at selling your vision.  Offering a solution to a problem often can prove to be a stronger more affective sales approach than simply the product or service.  For example we build mobile apps to build stronger more affective communication between businesses and there client base. Because; when users visit a website and leave you can never speak to them again. However when users download your app you can re-engage with them through Push Notifications and they are more likely to visit your business.

7. Basic Marketing Implementation - Knowledge is Power

When you start a business you wear many hats, we like to say the "Jack-of-all-Trades". Which means you need to have a basic understanding of digital marketing, including SEO, mobile marketing, social media marketing and paid advertising. If you aren't familiar check out these marketing strategies. There are an abundance of tools and guides out there to help you grasp online marketing efforts and help you market your business on a tight budget.     

8. Deal with Failure - Overcome Objection

Learn how to not take no for an answer. Success does not come without its challenges. There will be many ups and downs but with failure comes lessons and wisdom. Embrace these challenges and learn from them. Every successful person out there experienced failure several times, before making it big. Teach yourself certain habits that allow you to deal with failure. Failure isn't the end for your business venture, in many cases it can lead to new better beginnings.

9. Make a Difference in the World - Passion is Fuel

A great way to stay motived and find success in business is to make a positive change in the world. While it may not mean saving the world or ending world hunger, aligning yourself with a cause or believing your product or service makes a difference in peoples lives can be the difference maker between your success and others failure. Maybe your product saves lives or your service helps businesses grow, your passion can be your fuel and motivation. When it comes naturally you can move mountains and people can feel your passion. We believe our technology and concepts help small businesses and organizations create stronger relationships while allowing them to compete against bigger business without breaking the bank.

In Closing

No need to be overwhelmed by these as skills can be learned overtime. You never stop learning and in my experience you can learn a lot from just talking to other entrepreneurs and business owners. There are lots of great resources out there as well that you can tap into many in your local communities such as Business Associations, Chamber of Commerce, SCORE and more. Most important is keep an open mind, maintain the drive and never take no for an answer, it is after all what sets us entrepreneurs apart.

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Email Marketing, Business Tips, Marketing Tips Applified Marketing Group Email Marketing, Business Tips, Marketing Tips Applified Marketing Group

Every Business Owner Should Know These 24 Email Marketing Stats

While we are fans of Mobile Apps and there Push Note Technology with a 97% open rate Email Marketing still plays an important role for disseminating information to your audience.  Email marketing is the cornerstone of many marketing programs.


While we are fans of Mobile Apps and there Push Note Technology with a 97% open rate, Email Marketing still plays an important role for disseminating information to your audience.  Email marketing is the cornerstone of many marketing programs. It can make engaging with and retaining customers much easier with high-powered tools like automation and personalization. And using mobile-friendly email templates ensures that no matter what device your customer uses to view them, your emails will always look great.

Campaign Monitor has created an infographic, 24 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know to help you understand just what value email marketing brings to a small business. For example, for every $1 spent, email marketing brings in $44; for one of the highest ROIs of any marketing tactic. 

Get Results By Personalizing Your Message

A high ROI is fantastic, of course, but with a powerful marketing tool like this, there are even better reasons for email marketing. By using an email service provider, you can create emails that are personalized for each customer, helping them to connect with your business. 

The more your customers engage with your business and emails, the more likely they are to purchase from you. Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. And personalization doesn’t stop at the subject line. 

You can add images and content that are specific to each reader to keep them interested in what your business offers. The more you can send emails that your customers want to see, with information that they’re looking for, the more likely they’ll stay your customer. Using data you already have about them can help you to personalize emails a little bit more. Keeping your data updated, by using signup forms or surveys, can help you collect the information you need to do this.

Engage More Customers and Save Time with Automation

Automation, creating a series of emails once and sending them out automatically when certain criteria are met, can help keep customers coming back for more. Sending out welcome emails, reminder emails, VIP emails, or even birthday emails can help to hold your customer’s attention, and lead to sales. 

As a matter of fact, automated emails can generate 320% more revenue than non-automated ones. Using automation and personalization together can make marketers lives a little easier since they need to only create an email once to have each person get the version they need, and sent when they need it. 

Since email open rates increased to 68% on mobile devices in 2016, it’s important to make sure your email can be read on any device. Just about everyone has a mobile phone and reads their emails on it these days. The easiest way to do this is to use a template that’s already set up to work on mobile devices. This way no special coding is needed and your customers will have an easy-to-read and useful email. Plus, you’ll still be able to use personalization and automation, the end device won’t change how they work. 

Email Marketing Stats That Might Surprise You

From personalization and automation to a high ROI, email marketing can make staying in touch with customers a breeze. And, it will help to not only convert leads to customers but can help retain the customers you already have. For more useful and fun email marketing stats and tips, check out the following infographic:

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